
The Route of St. Elizabeth in the land of the Rákóczis
Published on 12 September 2019

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About this good practice
Main outputs of the project were the restoration of selected parts of St. Elizabeth Cathedral in Košice, creating a new pilgrimage route between the towns of Sárospatak and Košice and publishing a tourist guide.
The person of St. Elizabeth is very important for the inhabitants of both towns – she was born in Sárospatak, while the Cathedral in Košice was named after her. The St. Elizabeth Route Foundation was established in Sárospatak with the aim of creating a pilgrimage path linking this site with the most important Gothic church of the Carpathian Basin in Košice (which was built in honour of St. Elizabeth). The project created a pilgrimage route as a common touristic product that starts from Sárospatak through the Zemplén Mountains to Košice with the following settlements: Bodrogolaszi, Komlóska, Erdőhorváti, Regéc, Mogyoróska, Telkibánya, Hollóháza, Füzér, Nižná Myšľa and Kokšov-Bakša.
The person of St. Elizabeth is very important for the inhabitants of both towns – she was born in Sárospatak, while the Cathedral in Košice was named after her. The St. Elizabeth Route Foundation was established in Sárospatak with the aim of creating a pilgrimage path linking this site with the most important Gothic church of the Carpathian Basin in Košice (which was built in honour of St. Elizabeth). The project created a pilgrimage route as a common touristic product that starts from Sárospatak through the Zemplén Mountains to Košice with the following settlements: Bodrogolaszi, Komlóska, Erdőhorváti, Regéc, Mogyoróska, Telkibánya, Hollóháza, Füzér, Nižná Myšľa and Kokšov-Bakša.
Expert opinion
The practice is a positive example of creating a pilgrimage route between two cross-border towns sharing common cultural heritage. The practice is interesting with the fact that the pilgrimage route was promoted jointly and contributed to fostering religious and other forms of sustainable tourism in the border area. It can provide helpful insight to other cross-border areas how to safeguard common cultural heritage and promote cultural tourism.
Resources needed
105.000 €
Evidence of success
A four-language travel guide to showcase the cultural and natural treasures along the way and provided information to pilgrims on a designated website. All in all, the pilgrimage is not just a religious and spiritual experience but also a learning opportunity concerning the region’s history. This integrated approach to culture can be implemented in other border areas, too, where a common historical event or a significant person can be identified and respected on both sides.
Potential for learning or transfer
Main outputs of the project were the restoration of selected parts of St. Elizabeth Cathedral in Košice, creating a new pilgrimage route between the towns of Sárospatak and Košice and publishing a tourist guide.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Pearls of the Gothic Path Foundation

Západné Slovensko
project managet