Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art: Old Intersections-Make it New
Published on 10 July 2018
Kentriki Makedonia
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About this good practice
The State Museum of Contemporary Art with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Greece organized the 1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art in 2007. The aim of this initiative was, amongst other, to place Thessaloniki and Greece in the international network of contemporary art biennales. Thessaloniki's Biennale encourage and attract new avant-garde ideas and contribute to the actual development of art. It also makes public – on the European art scene – art works that offer new aesthetic proposals which are both bold and daring, with the intention of boosting aesthetic and social dialogue. The Biennale focuses on international current affairs, global restructuring, and crises that affect men and their environment. By forming ties with existing art institutions in Europe and beyond, the Biennale aims to encourage further artistic exchange. It communicates with artists from different geographic regions and presents the work of artists who have difficult access to areas with intense artistic life on the European art scene. By seeking to act as a stepping-stone and bringing artists closer to Europe, the Thessaloniki Biennale places Greek artists in a field of aesthetic dialogue, beyond the boundaries of Europe. The Biennale comprises a main and a parallel programmes and focuses on the Mediterranean region under the title “OLD INTERSECTIONS – MAKE IT NEW” with exhibitions, a workshop for young artists, a performance festival, conferences and a symposium.
Expert opinion
This is a good example of a biennale of contemporary art which enriches the cultural offer in Thessaloniki and further stimulates cultural tourism. The topics of the biennale are timely. It also has the ambition to be positioned in the context of the Mediterranean. EU regions could further study the multi-partner cooperation on city level to generate interest and support to intangible heritage. The success of the biennale and the awards it received attracted more visitors to Thessaloniki interested in cultural tourism.
Resources needed
The 5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art in 2015 was funded under the Operational Program Macedonia-Thrace 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and Greece. The organization was run by the State Museum of Contemporary Art.
Evidence of success
The 5th Thessaloniki Biennale under the title “Old Intersections-Make it Νew ΙΙΙ - Between the Pessimism of the Intellect and the Optimism of the Will” was held from June 23 until September 30, 2015, as the last segment of a three part program which began in 2011, under the general title “Old Intersections-Make it New”.
Main Exhibition of the 5th Biennale:
“Between the Pessimism of the Intellect and the Optimism of the Will”
44 artists and one artists’ collective group from 25 countries.
Main Exhibition of the 5th Biennale:
“Between the Pessimism of the Intellect and the Optimism of the Will”
44 artists and one artists’ collective group from 25 countries.
Potential for learning or transfer
The Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art is a good example of multi-partner cooperation at the metropolitan level, to generate interest and promote arts and intangible heritage for cultural tourism. It won the 2nd prize of 'Destination of Sustainable Cultural Tourism' Awards by the European Cultural Tourism Network (ECTN) in 2016. The Awards were made in conjunction with the CHRISTA Interreg Europe project in Guimaraes, Ave province, Portugal in September 2016. Considerable publicity followed on the success of the Bienalle event to attract new cultural visitors to Thessaloniki, including youth from several countries and thus create a sustainable cultural tourism product. This has great potential for transfer to other cities and regions looking to capitalise on their intangible heritage, contemporary arts, youth involvement and create sustainable tourism demand outside main peak tourism seasons, thus reducing the impact of seasonality and creating employment.
Further information
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Region of Central Macedonia
Kentriki Makedonia