
Towards quantitative functional balance ASSESSMENT AND TRAINING (EQUIMETRIX project)
Published on 14 February 2019

País Vasco
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About this good practice
Given the impact of falls on individual and public health, and the fact that some fall can be prevented, great efforts have been made to identify people at risk and to implement strategies to prevent falls. It appears there is a significant interaction between risk factors and an individual’s level of function (Cameron2010). In 2010 the American Geriatrics Society published an update (NGC2010) of the former clinical guidelines (AGS2001) which still specify all older adults be screened annually for falls by a health care provider, but now has expanded to include screening for balance and mobility impairments.
From these statements it is clear that balance assessment is crucial. Equimetrix technology is an instrumental equipment developed by TECNALIA, providing functional balance assessment and training for fall prevention, filling the current gap between functional clinical tests and quantitative instrumental measurements. It comprises sensing technologies, biomechanical features, methods for quantification of the instantaneous stability conditions of the user, and feedback for training purposes. The technology measures the relative 3D position of Centre of Mass (CoM) and Base of Support (BoS), and the relative 3D position of CoM and Centre of Pressure (COP) of humans. It computes a Stability Index based on features extracted from CoM and BoS/CoP relative positions. Once the user balance is quantified, Equimetrix technology is also used to provide training exercises.
From these statements it is clear that balance assessment is crucial. Equimetrix technology is an instrumental equipment developed by TECNALIA, providing functional balance assessment and training for fall prevention, filling the current gap between functional clinical tests and quantitative instrumental measurements. It comprises sensing technologies, biomechanical features, methods for quantification of the instantaneous stability conditions of the user, and feedback for training purposes. The technology measures the relative 3D position of Centre of Mass (CoM) and Base of Support (BoS), and the relative 3D position of CoM and Centre of Pressure (COP) of humans. It computes a Stability Index based on features extracted from CoM and BoS/CoP relative positions. Once the user balance is quantified, Equimetrix technology is also used to provide training exercises.
Resources needed
There has been a previous FP7 R&D project called BALANCE (coordinated by Tecnalia, on the development of an exoskeleton with and overall budget of € 5 912 100. used as inspiration to develop it. The project was developed by 8 international partners.
Evidence of success
At this stage it is only being implemented as a pilot initiative. The success can be measure considering their advantages (among others):
Portable solution combining two relevant biomechanical parameters.
Low-cost technology.
Fast and easy to put on and take off.
Compatible with current clinical tests
Portable solution combining two relevant biomechanical parameters.
Low-cost technology.
Fast and easy to put on and take off.
Compatible with current clinical tests
Potential for learning or transfer
Tecnalia is an international and multi-disciplinary team is made up by 130 researchers specialised in the fields of health-oriented biotechnology, biomaterials, robotics and ICTs; this allows to provide solutions to many health challenges from different perspectives such as health-care, food or medical devices. The GP “Equimatrix” is a good example of how to invest in R&D+I in order to develop new solutions for ageing people. Tecnalia is also involved in the “EIP AHA Action Group A2: Falls Prevention” bringing into the project knowledge about current barriers and coming actions in the field of fall prevention and active ageing. Moreover this Equimetrix technology has been mentioned as one of the good practices to be provided within this A2 AG.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
TECNALIA Research & Innovation Foundation

País Vasco
Project Manager