#weResilient capitalizing the lesson learned from Covid-19
About this good practice
The Covid 19 epidemic has further strengthened the role of the Province of Potenza in its sustainable territorial strategic action based on the communities’ involvement within the Network of its 100 Municipalities to achieve concrete actions aimed at sustainable and resilient development. The Province of Potenza outlined the #weResilient strategy for pursuing territorial development through a structural combination of environmental sustainability, territorial safety and climate change contrasting policies.
Permanent Local Platform aimed at engaging 100 Municipalities, institutions/authorities, stakeholders, major and social groups, communities and citizens also during the Covid pandemic has continued and continues to be very active in the Provincial territory. The relationships already created have been enforced, capitalizing the lesson learned in terms of energy savings and in general in supporting Municipalities in managing and overcoming the emergency
Resources needed
Human resources with a deep experience in the field of sustainable development and close relationship with Community and stakeholders; capitalization of all material and financial available resources, attracting innovative ones (the private sector).
Smart use of digitization tools
Evidence of success
For this GP in 2015, the Province was recognized as Role Model for Inclusive Resilience by UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
Moreover, formal recognition by the UNISDR, as “Champion in the Reduction of the Disaster Risk for IDDR 2015”, for its “inclusive” way of working in order to implement resilience with a network approach.
Finally, also in force of this GP (that is just a Strategy), Potenza Province has been recognized ‘Resilience Hub’ by UNDRR and member of EU Mission for adaptation
Potential for learning or transfer
Good-will; a strong and consolidated in time relationship among public Authority, communities and citizens; a shared vision for strategies and goals, a bottom-up approach that can ensure communities with ownership for following-up the action over time are necessary to implement this GP.
Moreover, new habits assumed during the lock down (smart-working, cutting of emission , supplies in the immediate vicinity, home-made food, e-learning, etc) has capitalized the principles of the low carbon economy ,making the Province and its Resilient and Sustainable Network realize that the achievement of certain objectives depends only on new virtuous lifestyles.
So, in any other part of the world could be very easy and useful to adopt a similar common strategy among local authorities because a synergic vision could lead to more ambitious territorial results in less time.
Further information
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