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General questions

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Is there a budget allocation for each priority?

There is not budget allocation per priority. However, 80% of the programme budget is devoted to the topics covered under

  • Policy Objective 1 'A smarter Europe';
  • Policy Objective 2 'A greener Europe'
  • and certain topics covered under Policy Objective 4 'A more social Europe'.

The remaining 20% are available for the topics covered under the three remaining policy objectives.

How much budget do projects get?

Interreg Europe recommends that a project’s total Interreg Funds budget ranges from 1 MEUR up to 2 MEUR.

The average Interreg Funds budget of projects approved under the 1st call is 1.4 MEUR. In any case, the total budget of a project depends on different parameters and in particular on the number of partners involved as well as on the number and nature of the activities envisaged.

Who is the managing authority of Interreg Europe?

The managing authority of Interreg Europe is the Conseil Régional Hauts-de-France, Lille, France.

Where is Interreg Europe's joint secretariat?

The programme's joint secretariat is located in Lille, France.

The secretariat provides operational support to the programme's managing authority. In addition, the secretariat works closely with the 36 Partner States, often through a point of contact which is established in most of them.

When was the programme officially launched?

A launch event took place online on 24-25 November 2021. The interregional cooperation forum ‘Europe, let’s cooperate!’ presented the results of Interreg Europe 2014-2020 and it officially launched the new programme for 2021-2027.

When was the programme approved?

We submitted the programme to the European Commission on 5 January 2022. The programme was approved on 8 July 2022.

What is the link between Interreg Europe and other Interreg programmes?

Interreg Europe is one of many Interreg programmes.

The other programmes support cooperation between regions within smaller geographical areas (cross-border or transnational).

Interreg Europe is not an umbrella programme for the others. This role is in the hands of Interact, which provides technical support to all Interreg programmes, including Interreg Europe.

What is the Policy Learning Platform?

The Policy Learning Platform is the second action of the Interreg Europe programme, established to boost EU-wide policy learning and capitalisation on practices from regional development policies. The platform offers the following services to support policy learning:

  • Expert Policy advice (e.g. through Peer reviews,matchmakings, Policy Helpdesk),
  • Policy solutions (e.g. policy briefs, editorials, a database of good practices),
  • Commuity of practitioners (e.g. thematic networking, capacity building and policy learning events).

You can explore the services that the Policy Learning Platform offers in this brochure.

Who are the experts behind the Platform?

The Policy Learning Platform was launched in October 2016 to support policymakers to deliver better policies in their regions.

An international team of experts specialised in the policy fields addressed by the programme or in knowledge management and communication was commissioned by the programme (through a public procurement) to deliver the Platform’s services to the regions across Europe interested in improving their regional development policies.

Do projects have to use the Platform?

Yes. Partners in interregional cooperation projects should be actively involved in the work of the Platform during the lifetime of their project.

Projects are required to report on their participation in Policy Learning Platform activities in their progress reports. Projects should contribute to the Platform’s content and share their knowledge and experience. For instance, each region participating in a project has to feed interesting and relevant good practices developed in their region into the Platform’s online database.

Furthermore, projects should participate in Platform events (e.g workshops dedicated to project partners, webinars) and be ready to share their knowledge (e.g. speakers in events, contributions in policy briefs and publications, peers in peer reviews and matchmaking sessions).

They are also invited to register in the Interreg Europe community, especially the persons responsible for specific policy field in order to create a community of regional practitioners throughout Europe.

Recorded in June 2023

I am not a project partner: can I still access the Platform services?

Yes! You are able to access the Platform services for free even if you are not participating in a project.

As a general community member, you can join our events and have access to our written publications.

Also, the policy helpdesk is accessible to all our community members. If you represent a public authority, you can also access our matchmaking sessions and peer review services. Check our policy learning services to discover more.

Can I ask the Platform to work on a specific topic of interest to me?

Yes, we welcome our community members to submit ideas for specific topics and policy challenges to treat in our online events or written publications. We only require them to fall under one of the main topics of the programme:

  • Smart,
  • Green,
  • Connected,
  • Social,
  • Citizens
  • or Governance.
Six topics in a circular shape

How do I contact the Platform team?

You are welcome to contact our thematic experts with direct questions related to specific topics or activities. Should you have more general questions, you can also contact members of the Platform management team. 

Can the Platform give me feedback on my project idea?

No, the Platform experts cannot support applicants in drafting their project applications.

Instead, you can submit your project idea and request feedback directly from the Joint Secretariat of Interreg Europe. You can request feedback only during open calls, otherwise the tool is closed. In addition, you can also use the self-assessment tool to evaluate if the project idea is relevant for Interreg Europe.

What is the difference between Interreg Europe and other Interreg programmes?

There are many features that make Interreg Europe different from other Interreg programmes.

The two most important are the following:

  1. Its geographical coverage: Interreg Europe is covering the all the European Union plus other Partner States while the geographical score of other Interreg programmes is restricted to cross border or transnational areas.
  2. Its overall objective: Interreg Europe aims at improving regional development policies through exchange of experience. It is therefore different in its core target groups (i.e., local and regional public authorities) and in the nature of the activities supported (mainly dedicated to capacity building).

Where can I find a detailed description of the policy objectives?

Interreg Europe scope includes the fields defined by the policy and specific objectives presented in Article 5 of the common provisions regulation (EU) 2021/1060 and Article 3 of the ERDF regulation (EU) 2021/1058. The programme specific objectives are also described in the programme manual.

Can my project focus on more than one policy objective?

Your project should target only one policy objective among the programme scope, based on the policy instruments that are adressed by the partners.

What topics do we cover?

Interreg Europe scope includes the fields defined by the policy and specific objectives presented in Article 5 of the common provisions regulation (EU) 2021/1060 and Article 3 of the ERDF regulation (EU) 2021/1058.

We cover six topics:

  • Smarter Europe
  • Greener Europe
  • A more connected Europe
  • A more social Europe
  • Europe closer to citizens
  • Better European governance

The programme specific objectives are also described in the programme manual and in the video below  (0:23 - 0:43 & 9:40 - 11:32).

How do I edit my project website?

If you have the right to edit your project’s website:

  1. Log into your Interreg Europe community account
  2. From your account menu, select ‘Project websites’
  3. In your dashboard, find the project website you wish to edit
  4. Click ‘Edit project’

You should arrive at your website’s editing tool. Download and follow the instructions in the user manual for more details.

If you do not see any project websites in your dashboard, ask your lead partner to provide you with editing rights.

Who is allowed to edit my project website?

Your project can assign as many people as needed to edit the project website.

They will need an account in the Interreg Europe community and your lead partner or project admin will have to give them editing rights via the Portal.

How do I add or change the web admin of my project website?

Your lead partner or project admin is responsible for assigning the web admin role to the person in charge of editing your project’s website via the Portal.

The lead partner needs to:

  1. Log into the Portal and access the project area
  2. Go to the ‘Project users’ section
  3. Select the user who needs to edit the project website
  4. Assign them the ‘web admin’ role under ‘Roles in project’
  5. Click save

What are the programme objectives?

Interreg Europe is dedicated to reinforcing ‘the effectiveness of cohesion policy’.

It pursues the overall objective to improve the implementation of regional development policies, including Investment for jobs and growth goal programmes, by promoting the exchange of experiences, innovative approaches, and capacity building in relation to the identification, dissemination, and transfer of good practices among regional policy actors.

Interreg Europe is therefore dedicated to cooperation among regional policy organisations from across Europe.

By supporting learning and increasing the capacities of these organisations, the programme will strive to improve the design and delivery of regional development policies.

For more information, watch the video (1:09 - 2:50).

Can I update my community account's email address?

No, you cannot update your community account's email address.

You joined our online community using your email address, but now it is not used anymore and you have a new email address. You cannot update it.

You need to create a new account with your new email address. You can get in touch with us if you wish to transfer your good practices or project ideas to your new account.

I forgot my Interreg Europe password

You are trying to log into the Interreg Europe community or the Portal, but you cannot remember your password.

Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. On the homepage, in the top right corner, click the 'login' menu and select 'Reset password'
  2. Enter your email address and click 'send'
  3. You will receive an email from our Portal with a link. Click the link.
  4. You will arrive at the Portal website. Enter a new password and confirm.

New password

Your password should be at least 14 characters and have one capital letter.

I am not receiving the email to reset my password

You've tried to reset your password, but you are not receiving the email from the Portal in your inbox.

  1. Check your spam folder
  2. Speak with your IT department to make sure your institution is not blocking automatic emails coming from our website and Portal ([email protected])

If you have tried the two steps above, but are still not receiving the email, get in touch with us.

Make sure you let us know what steps you have already tried.

I get an error message when I log into my account

You created a community account, but when you try to login, you get an error message saying:

'The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.'

The information in your account might be incomplete. Please get in touch with us.