Building a successful partnership webinar
24 Apr 2023
10 : 00 - 11 : 30 CEST

Join us on 24 April for a project development webinar about building a successful partnership. It is the first one in a set of four webinars on how to develop your project and submit it in an application during this call.
The timing of the webinar series is the following:
- Building a successful partnership on 24 April
- Designing project methodology on 25 April
- Management, budget and finances on 26 April
- Project communication on 27 April
Each webinar starts at 10:00 (CEST/ Paris time) and will run for up to 90 minutes.
The recording
A recording of the webinar about building a relevant partnership run on 24 April 2023 for Interreg Europe's second call for project proposals.
The presentations
Download the presentations below.
Building a relevant partnership: Part 1 - What and how?
PowerPoint presentation about what is a relevant Interreg Europe partnership and how to build one.
(401.87 KB)
Building a relevant partnership: Part 2 - Who?
PowerPoint presentation about who is should be involved in a relevant Interreg Europe partnership.
(433.03 KB)