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Debate: Policymaking in 21st century

11 Oct 2016
Clock 09 : 00 - 10 : 45 CEST
Location In person | Brussels, Belgium
By Joint secretariat
Policymakers face the challenge of designing and implementing regional policy in an increasingly globalised, complex and interdependent environment. Competing demands come from the ‘bottom’, through increased citizen participation in decision-making; and from the ‘top’ through national and European agendas, focus on smart specialisation and results. With competition for resources tight in many contexts where budgets are being squeezed, policymakers are turning to evidence-based policy to demonstrate effectiveness. The need to collaborate in new networks, find and implement proven solutions, and be open and responsive seems primordial. How effective is cooperating and benchmarking with other European regions in better implementing regional policy? This debate with policymakers and researchers will explore interregional cooperation as a tool in the 21st century policymakers’ toolkit.
This workshop is organised by the Interreg Europe programme and DG Regio and will take place during the European Week of Regions and Cities 2016 (EWRC).
You can only attend this workshop if registered to EWRC. Note that no on-site registration will be accepted this year. 
Moderator: Prof John Bachtler, IQNet Network Director, European Policy Research Centre, Strathclyde
  • Karen Maguire, Counsellor, Regional development and innovation, Regional Development Policy Division, Directorate of Public Governance and Territorial Development, OECD
  • Andrea Mairate, Head of Unit Competence Centre Macro-regions and European Territorial Cooperation, DG REGIO (tbc)
  • Raffaele Cattaneo, Lombardia region (IT/EPP) COTER chair, Committee of Regions (tbc)
  • Serena Foracchia, Deputy Mayor for International Relations, Municipality of Reggio Emilia

More information
  • Workshop code: 11C03
  • Check other workshops where the Interreg Europe programme is involved.
  • Share your impressions about our workshop: #interregeurope; #EWRC
  • Website of the European Week of Regions and Cities 

European Week of Regions and Cities on social media
  • Twitter: @EU_Regional - @EU_CoR
  • Flickr
  • Regionetwork

We look forward to seeing you in Brussels during the European Week of Regions and Cities!