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Info event for Italian beneficiaries

28 Mar 2023
Clock 14 : 30 - 16 : 30 CEST
Location Online Italy
By Other

The Interreg Europe point of contact in Italy holds an online information event about Interreg Europe and its second call for project proposals. The event takes place online on 28 March from 14:30 to 16:30 CEST.

For more information, see the event agenda. The registration is closed but you can watch the recording of the event.

The materials presented during the event are also available for download below.

The event was in Italian.

Scroll through six documents presented during the information event in Italy.

Assistance to applicants_JS-NCP.pdf

Get ready - Key projects & 2nd call features_JS.pdf

INFODAY IE_28 3 23_Key features _NazziG .pdf

INFODAY IE_28 3 23_PLP_NazziG.pdf

Lezioni e spunti di riflessione_ Interreg.pdf

Risultati programmazione 2014-2020 results_ACT.pdf

A recording of the information event for beneficiaries in Italy about the Interreg Europe's second call for project proposals (in Italian).