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Management and finances webinar 2024

17 Apr 2024
Clock 10 : 00 - 11 : 30 CEST
Location Online
By Joint secretariat
Close up of computer for webinar

On 17 April 2024 we organised a project development webinar about the project management, budget and finances. It was the third one in a set of four webinars on how to develop your project and submit it in an application during this call.

The timing of the webinar series was the following:

  1. Building a successful partnership on 15 April
  2. Designing project methodology on 16 April
  3. Management, budget and finances on 17 April
  4. Project communication on 18 April

The recording

A recording of the webinar about project management, budget and finances for lead applicants in the third call for project proposals. Recorded on 17 April 2024.

The presentations

Download the presentations below.


PowerPoint presentation about how to put together a successful project budget (April 2024).

Project budget: Part 1 - Cost categories

PowerPoint presentation about how to detail the cost categories in your project application.

Project budget: Part 2 - Cost categories

PowerPoint presentation about how to detail your cost categories in your project application.

Project budget: Cost category - External expertise

PowerPoint presentation about filling in the external expertise cost category in your project application.