Seminars for centralised first level controllers and FLC approbation bodies
01 - 02 Jun 2016
09 : 00 - 17 : 00 CEST
In person
The aims of the seminars for centralised first level controllers and FLC approbation bodies are:
1 June 2016, FLC approbation bodies - agenda
- to provide an overview of the FLC systems and requirements in Interreg Europe
- to provide specific information on the new EC and programme rules and the programme’s reporting procedures
- to exchange on some specific challenges linked to the FLC work in Interreg Europe, the role of approbation body in particular on FLC designation and quality assurance and how we can support each other on these matters
1 June 2016, FLC approbation bodies - agenda
2 June 2016, centralised FLC bodies - agenda