Watch our webinar on online meetings

On 25 March 2020, we held a webinar with tips on how to host your meeting online. The recording is now available to watch.
00:07:22 What is an online event
00:18:42 Online events and your project
00:25:02 How to define roles in an online event
00:35:48 How to be a good moderator/presenter
00:44:55 How to create supportive presentations and interactions
01:00:56 Online event tools and tech
00:20:56 about parallel sessions in webinars
00:22:54 about headsets and microphones
00:34:02 about getting ready and preparing your speakers
00:41:10 about recording and repurposing your content
00:43:15 about using one or multiple devices in a joint session with colleagues
00:55:03 about inserting videos or using pre-recorded content in your webinar
00:59:42 about planning your timetable and storyboard
01:00:28 about the magical introduction and sharing personal experiences
01:00:56 about tools and solutions
- see also: 01:06:36 about how to select the tool
- and: 01:08:11 for some examples from Interreg Europe projects
01:10:22 about hidden mics and headsets
01:11:52 about testing and getting ready before you go live
01:12:36 about interactivity during sessions
01:16:17 about breaks or pauses in the middle of a webinar
More inspiration
Take a look at this table for some examples of online tools used by Interreg Europe projects.
Share your solutions too: let us know what has worked for you and which tools you are using. You can add them at the end of the table mentioned above.
We are working on a follow-up session to continue sharing experiences on this topic, so stay tuned for updates!