Encouraging cross-sectorial clusters
In this fourth story of results on research and innovation, we introduce you to ClusterFY.
They want to make SMEs in Europe more competitive and innovative by encouraging cooperation between clusters and business networks.
The Lithuanian partner explained how their clusters find it hard to compete on the international market because of their small size. Yet, their Dutch partner inspired them to think of clusters in a new way to solve this problem; start with a societal need.
Have a look.
Getting proper recognition
In March 2019, ClusterFY was mentioned as a good example of promoting internationalisation activities through clusters in the European Cluster Policy Forum paper.
We asked Rima Dijkstra how that made her feel: ‘We are very proud to have been noticed by the European cluster policy makers. This recognition allows the ClusterFY project to be noticed by all member states representatives responsible for the national cluster policies as well as European and international cluster experts.’
What has changed since the interview?
- The Lithuanian partner has come up with suggestions to encourage cross-sectorial cooperation amongst clusters in their draft action plan
- The project partners, together with experts, have prepared joint policy recommendations on cluster policy development, key enabling technologies and cluster internationalisation issues
- All project partners have drafted their regional action plans
More results in research and innovation
If you've missed them, read through some of the articles we published earlier this week:
- Cooperation results in fashion innovation
- The power of island communities
- Bringing digital services to rural areas
And think about signing up for a workshop by the Policy Learning Platform about open, social and responsible innovation on 27 November in Brussels. You’ll get to hear from the MARIE project.