REMIX Final Event
25 Feb 2021
09 : 00 - 12 : 00 CET
In person

Invitation to REMIX Final event
- Smart and Green mining regions of EU -
25th February 2021, 9.00-12.00 CET, online Zoom
Mining region and regional operators are in the core to develop sustainable and resource efficient mining sector. Regional ecosystems are the focal points and the playgrounds in the development of sustainable raw material production.
Regions are the operational starting point for the industrial value and supply chains playing crucial role in the development of the European industrial ecosystems. Mines are always place -based, depending on geology and cannot be moved.
The REMIX project Final event aims to display how RE-MIX partners through interregional and cross-sectoral cooperation have enhanced policy instruments to sup-port the development of the responsible mining industry.
Remix project was among the first initiatives, inviting European mining regions to collaborate and to learn from each other’s developing stronger regional and national mining policies and actions supporting the development of the sustainable mining industries. Strong regional engagement will support sound and complementary European collaboration in developing sustainable raw material production in Europe.
EU needs to support its own raw material and construction minerals production. The mined metals and minerals are essential to our everyday life, and in building a modern, clean energy economy (electronic infrastructure, energy storage systems, energy power plants, etc.) Entire society will be more and more depending on the supply of the mining industries.
Demand for global critical raw materials is growing, and primary raw materials will continue to play a key role. Access to resources and sustainability is key to achieving the EU’s resilience to raw materials. Securing the sustain-able supply of metals and minerals is crucial to meet Europe’s energy and climate targets 2030. To secure resources, we need to take measures to diversify supplies from both primary and secondary sources, reduce de-pendency and improve the efficient and circular use of resources, including sustainable product design. This applies to all raw materials, including base metals, indus-trial minerals, aggregates and biotic raw materials, but is even more necessary for the raw materials that are criti-cal to the EU.
The EU's success in transforming and modern-izing its economy depends on the sustainable security of the primary and secondary raw materials needed to develop clean, digital and HITEC technologies in all EU industrial ecosystems.
In the final event REMIX partners will showcase why regions matter and:
• How to use experience into European Green Deal?
• How to support Green Technologies and Mining?
• How to develop Education in Critical and Construction Mineral Commodities?
• How to prove the place of mining and raw materials management in the context of European policy?
• How mining fits into the circular economy?
• How mining can become smarter and more sustainable?
If you interested to learn more, please join us 25th February 2021 at 9.00-12.20 CET.
You can register to the final event latest 22nd February 2021 from https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZKRZZGD
You can find more REMIX projects information http://www.interregeurope.eu/remix/
and about the final event https://www.interregeurope.eu/remix/events/event/4208/remix-final-event-programme/
Warmly welcome to join us
- Smart and Green mining regions of EU -
25th February 2021, 9.00-12.00 CET, online Zoom
Mining region and regional operators are in the core to develop sustainable and resource efficient mining sector. Regional ecosystems are the focal points and the playgrounds in the development of sustainable raw material production.
Regions are the operational starting point for the industrial value and supply chains playing crucial role in the development of the European industrial ecosystems. Mines are always place -based, depending on geology and cannot be moved.
The REMIX project Final event aims to display how RE-MIX partners through interregional and cross-sectoral cooperation have enhanced policy instruments to sup-port the development of the responsible mining industry.
Remix project was among the first initiatives, inviting European mining regions to collaborate and to learn from each other’s developing stronger regional and national mining policies and actions supporting the development of the sustainable mining industries. Strong regional engagement will support sound and complementary European collaboration in developing sustainable raw material production in Europe.
EU needs to support its own raw material and construction minerals production. The mined metals and minerals are essential to our everyday life, and in building a modern, clean energy economy (electronic infrastructure, energy storage systems, energy power plants, etc.) Entire society will be more and more depending on the supply of the mining industries.
Demand for global critical raw materials is growing, and primary raw materials will continue to play a key role. Access to resources and sustainability is key to achieving the EU’s resilience to raw materials. Securing the sustain-able supply of metals and minerals is crucial to meet Europe’s energy and climate targets 2030. To secure resources, we need to take measures to diversify supplies from both primary and secondary sources, reduce de-pendency and improve the efficient and circular use of resources, including sustainable product design. This applies to all raw materials, including base metals, indus-trial minerals, aggregates and biotic raw materials, but is even more necessary for the raw materials that are criti-cal to the EU.
The EU's success in transforming and modern-izing its economy depends on the sustainable security of the primary and secondary raw materials needed to develop clean, digital and HITEC technologies in all EU industrial ecosystems.
In the final event REMIX partners will showcase why regions matter and:
• How to use experience into European Green Deal?
• How to support Green Technologies and Mining?
• How to develop Education in Critical and Construction Mineral Commodities?
• How to prove the place of mining and raw materials management in the context of European policy?
• How mining fits into the circular economy?
• How mining can become smarter and more sustainable?
If you interested to learn more, please join us 25th February 2021 at 9.00-12.20 CET.
You can register to the final event latest 22nd February 2021 from https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZKRZZGD
You can find more REMIX projects information http://www.interregeurope.eu/remix/
and about the final event https://www.interregeurope.eu/remix/events/event/4208/remix-final-event-programme/
Warmly welcome to join us