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Circular waste management lll: collection and recycling of WEEE

10 Feb 2022
Clock 14 : 00 - 15 : 30 CET
Location Online
By Platform
On 10 February, the Policy Learning Platform is hosting the third episode of the circular waste management series on the collection and recycling of WEEE, from 14:00 to 15:30 CET, in the format of a webinar.
European experts are estimating that the fast-growing stream of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) will have climbed to 12 million tons in 2020. This waste stream contains a complex mixture of materials. It often includes some hazardous content that needs to be managed properly in order to avoid major environmental and health problems. WEEE also contains many high value and critical raw materials. e.g. around 10% of total gold worldwide is used for the production of modern electronics.Discarding WEEE materials thus also represents significant financial losses for the European economy. It is estimated that the overall potential revenues from WEEE recycling in the EU could amount to € 2.15-3.67 billion by 2020.
These are good reasons for diverting WEEE from landfill, illegal export or simply from the household waste bin. The webinar will showcase good practices to boost the rates of separate collection and recycling of WEEE supporting regions and municipalities in meeting the European targets.
Register here.

What you can expect

  • Keynote speech by Timmy de Vos from Race Against Waste, on a Dutch initiative that has mobilised over 1000 schools in a competition to collect e-waste and just received a price for its performance.
  • Tihomir Bakalov from ELTECH Resource (Bulgaria) will present the 'Free of charge collection of WEEE from households with mobile team collectors' (CircE)
  • Oscar Planells from the Reuse and Recycling Social Enterprise (Belgium) will share the good practice 'Preparing for reuse of WEEE' (2LIFES)
  • Vasileios Kokkinos of the University of Patras (Greece) will present the Green Public Procurement criteria in the procurement of waste transport and management services for WEEE (GPP4GROWTH
  • Upcoming episodes

  • Circular waste management lV - Collection and recycling of construction and demolition waste on 17 February from 14:00 to 15:30 CET.

Photo credit: cavanimages on envato elements.