Cultural routes I: Digitalisation of heritage
This event has now ended. You can now explore the follow-up article which includes the recording, presentation and key learnings.
On 18 October, the Policy Learning Platform is hosting the first episode of the Cultural Routes webinar series! Join us from 14:00 to 15:30 CET, to learn about the digitalisation of heritage.
Europe’s cultural and natural heritage is as rich and diverse as are its member states. It comprises natural, built and archaeological sites, museums, monuments, artworks, historic cities, literary and musical work, and is an important element of social life, as well as economic development.
Unprecedented opportunities enabled by technologies, such as data collection, AI, 3D object rendering and XR bring cultural heritage sites back to life. The sector’s transformation has led to easier online access to cultural material for everybody. This webinar will introduce three different approaches from the United Kingdom, Greece and Netherlands.
What you can expect
The webinar has been designed and will be moderated by Astrid Severin and Magda Michaliková, Thematic Experts in Environment and resource efficiency.
- Keynote speech by Manos Vougioukas from the European Cultural Tourism Network on Digital preservation of cultural heritage
Interreg Europe policy changes and good practices
- Presentation by Catherine Leonard of the National Trust on Creating an online curiosity cabinet: The digitisation of historic collections (INNOCASTLE) - TBC
- Presentation by Agathoniki Tsilipakou of the Museum of Byzantine Culture on the Museum of Byzantine Culture Innovation and Digitalisation. (CHRISTA)
- Presentation by Dennis Dekker from the Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch on the Cycling Route 1629. (KEEP-ON)