District approaches to sustainable energy

This webinar has ended. You can watch the recording, access the presentations and discover the key learnings in this follow-up article.
On 9 November 2023 from 14:00 to 15:30 CET, the Policy Learning Platform is organising a webinar on the topic of district approach to sustainable energy.
Building renovation that improves energy efficiency and integrates renewable energies needs to be implemented at a large scale, in order to reach the ambitious decarbonisation targets.
Many districts are comprised of buildings with similar construction and characteristics, applying district-level approaches can be more cost-efficient by bundling activities into a common project.
Tackling the district level also allows for joint planning between renovations and considering the public space between and around dwellings. This means interventions can also target other policy areas such as improving air quality and health, tackling social exclusion, and promoting sustainable mobility.
Regions across Europe face the challenge of upscaling renovation efforts. They are therefore exploring district renovation strategies facing challenges in:
- Defining the district-level
- Selecting appropriate technologies
- Managing stakeholders
- Finding financial support
During this webinar, we will explore the challenges and benefits of district energy solutions, with proven solutions from across Europe, as identified in Interreg Europe projects.
What you can expect
- Keynote speech by Julien Dijol from Housing Europe on Generating CO2 savings and social benefits together: Recommendations from SHAPE-EU
- Presentation by Lorenzo Federiconi from the Department of Infrastructure, Territory and Civil Protection, Italy on integrating district approaches into regional planning and strategies (EXPRESS)
- Presentation by Beatriz San Martín Zaragüeta from Land and Housing of Navarra, Spain on district energy renovation in Navarra region (LC Districts)
- Presentation by Terttu Vainio from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland on the net zero concept of the new neighbourhood Ilokkaanpuisto (STARDUST)