Green and inclusive regional mobility solutions

This workshop has ended. You can watch the recording, access the presentations and discover the key learnings in this follow-up article.
On 7 March 2024 from 14:00 to 16:30 CET, the Policy Learning Platform is inviting you to an online workshop on the topic of regional mobility solutions. We will take up examples from Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal to explore how to improve regional mobility solutions in rural areas.
Rural areas frequently suffer from a lack of public service, and face distinct challenges compares to urban areas, including less access to opportunities, and greater challenges for connectivity and infrastructure.
This includes the provision of sustainable and public transport, since many people rely on private cars, or otherwise miss out on social and economic opportunities. Many rural areas also play a recreational role, with high levels of tourism, which can also lead to an influx of vehicles.
Many rural areas have explored how to decarbonise their transport sectors and increase inclusivity and connectivity with innovative approaches to public transport and vehicle sharing. This e-workshop will explore those options, drawing from Interreg Europe projects and experiences.
During the workshop, you will have a chance to further explore good practices on sustainable mobility and a demand-responsive transport in rural areas.
What you can expect
Session I - Enhancing sustainable mobility in rural areas
- Presentation by Jeffrey Matthijs from, Belgium on shared mobility in rural regions (SMAPE)
- Presentation by Riccardo Palma and Irene Ruiz from Politecnico di Torino, on the potential of cycling in connecting rural areas
- Presentation by Irene Nicotra and Massimiliano Petri from Livorno Province on the Good-Go platform to serve tourists and residents in low-density regions (PROMOTER)
Interactive discussion and Q&A
Session II - Demand-Responsive Transport for rural areas
- Interview of Christian Ramelli from the Saarland Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Mobility, Agriculture and Consumer Protection on demand-responsive transport in Saarland, by Thorsten Kohlisch, Lead Manager, Policy Learning Platform
- Presentation by Albert Guillaumes Marcer from Generalitat de Catalunya's road public transport, on shared mobility in rural regions
- Presentation by Nuno Pomar, from the Intermunicipal Community of the Region Coimbra, who will provide the example of the Coimbra Sit Flexi - a DRT in very thinly populated areas
Interactive discussion and Q&A
Plenary session
Key lessons learned from the two sessions in an interactive format and conclusions.
Online policy expert helpdesk
From 16:30 to 17:00 CET, the experts for a Greener Europe are available to discuss specific needs and policy challenges during a 10-minute online policy helpdesk meeting. You can indicate your interest and topic of discussion in the registration form below.