Sustainability governance at local level

This webinar has ended. You can watch the recording, access the presentations and discover the key learnings in this follow-up article.
On 5 September 2024, the Policy Learning Platform will be hosting a webinar on Sustainability Governance: Strengthening Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at a local level.
There is a striking gap between ambitious high-level sustainability targets and actual implementation at the local level, worldwide and also in European cities. Join us to learn how better sustainability governance at local level can help us progress towards well-governed, sustainable and healthy cities.
Municipalities are naturally interested in sustainability as it has environmental, economic, and social dimensions. They have a unique role in promoting sustainable solutions as they are responsible for the operations, regulations, and resources within a given area and for their communities.
Of course, every municipality has a different and unique context. But there are basic principles of Sustainability Governance, including common solutions, methodologies and actions that can help municipalities reach the Sustainable Development Goals.
With this webinar, we are giving the word to European cities that are already taking strong steps towards the integration of SDGs at local level. You will hear about:
- Multilevel governance
- Organisation culture
- Ways to bridge the silos
- Inclusion of SDG targets and indicators in local policy
- Citizen participation
What you can expect
- Localising SGDs as opportunity to make governance more sustainable by Sara Hoeflich, Assistant Secretary General for Service Innovation, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
- Systematically localising the SDG's: theoretical guidance and practical examples from Mannheim by Christian Hübel, Head of the Democracy and Strategy Department, Mannheim, Germany, and Chair of the Eurocities SDG Task Force.
- Tallinn’s journey towards strengthening sustainability governance by Stina Heikkila, Sustainability Governance Advisor, Tallinn, EE and beneficiary of a Peer Review on Sustainability Governance.
- Malmö’s strategy for localising the SDGs and communicating it by Marcus Ljungqvist, City of Malmö, Sweden.