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2014 - 2020

American Farm School (AFS)

American Farm School is an boundary organization training people of all ages, from kindergarten to post-grads and adult training applying circular economy
24 Aug 2018 | By project BIOREGIO
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

Community composting of foodwaste

Through composting, the value of bio-waste is maintained and the generation of waste is reduced, increasing at the same time ecologic and social sustainability.
27 Jun 2018 | By project BIOREGIO
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

A demonstration R&D Biorefinery - CLAMBER

A public demonstration biorefinery where companies can perform scale-up experiments of biomass valorization, enabling their easier industrial development.
26 Jun 2018 | By project BIOREGIO
Approved content by an expert Expert approved