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Good practice - Green
2014 - 2020

Local Energy Loop

Local Energy Loop is a regional measure that promotes and supports the development of territorial energy projects, based on local energy needs and resources.
19 Feb 2018 | By project SET-UP
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Smart
2014 - 2020

Shortcut to new knowledge

Shortcut to New Knowledge was initiated by CDR in 2011 and completed in 2014. Financed by CDR and the ERDF, and operated by Aarhus University, Denmark.
19 Feb 2018 | By project INKREASE
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Green
2014 - 2020

Lanzi Srl

Lanzi Srl is a SME providing a service system which includes the regeneration and automatized distribution of reusable Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs).
16 Feb 2018 | By project RETRACE
2014 - 2020


Advanced Coatings Labs are shared public/private infrastructures to support cooperation between SMEs and research and innovation infrastructure
16 Feb 2018 | By project INNO INFRA SHARE
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

SEStran Tripshare

SEStranTripshare is the Region’s web-based car sharing (car pooling in the EU) scheme to link car drivers or passengers who are making similar journeys.
15 Feb 2018 | By project REGIO-MOB
2014 - 2020

Thistle Assistance Card

SEStran has developed the Thistle Card to make using public transport easier for older people or those with disabilities or illness.
15 Feb 2018 | By project REGIO-MOB