Educational and research facility to provide companies with various energy and circular economy testing, expertise, piloting and demonstrations opportunities
BioConvert: converting fly larvae into protein-rich animal food
In developed countries around one third of all produced food is thrown away. In the EU this amount corresponds to 90 mil. tonnes of food waste each year, while in Slovakia this represents around 950...
Support to SMEs for Investment in Circular Bio-based Economy
State aid supporting economic recovery after the COVID-19 crisis, including investments to improve environmental standards (e.g. biogas plants, recycling units)
The Bioeco Hub is a regional working group dedicated to bioeconomy that aims to support stakeholders in accessing EU funds to boost circular economy locally.
Analysis of circular tourism as a tool for the recovery after Covid19.
Circular Tourism is a priority objective in Circular Economy Strategy and an important GDP booster in our region with a high impact on local resources.
Wastewater based epidemiology as a complementary decision-making tool
This practice refers to the estimation of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 through its load in sewage applied in the city of Thessaloniki as an early warning tool.