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Implementation level
2014 - 2020

Land Source of Income Foundation

Integrated support to financially disadvantaged family businesses in rural areas by means of custom-designed online farming and small business instruments.
07 Apr 2020 | By project REGIONS 4FOOD
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Smart
2014 - 2020


Come with an idea for a project or company. Talk to mentors, explore the labs and available equipment. Build a team and start implementing your project.
06 Apr 2020 | By project FOUNDATION
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Smart
2014 - 2020

Arbeitsgemeinschaft City e.V.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft City e.V. is an association of businesses and cultural institutions in the Berlin town centre, that has been operating since 1974.
02 Apr 2020 | By project ABCitiEs
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

Digitalization Parkour

An interactive parkour of several interactive technology demonstrators addressing relevant digitalization topics in a tangible and practise-oriented way.
01 Apr 2020 | By project DIGITAL REGIONS
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

Age Friendly Town Programme

The Age Friendly Town programme connects policy makers and SMEs in successfully providing tailored goods and services to older persons.
25 Mar 2020 | By project SILVER SMEs
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia

National one stop shop for digital transformation and digital competence development with 4 pillars: companies, public administration, municipalities, education
25 Mar 2020 | By project DIGITAL REGIONS
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

FabLab Network Slovenia

A technologically supported environment for innovation, prototyping and invention, also aimed at encouraging a circular economy
25 Mar 2020 | By project DIGITAL REGIONS
Approved content by an expert Expert approved