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Implementation level
2014 - 2020

Industry 4.0 Technology Audits.

Tehcnology Audits are important aspects in order to start with the involvement of companies and specially in SMEs in a technological industrialisation.
23 May 2019 | By project DEVISE
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Smart
2014 - 2020

DENDATICS grants programme

Grants programme addressed to the local retail and hospitality companies for the digitalization and implementation of the ICTs in the city of San Sebastián.
23 May 2019 | By project DEVISE
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020


The objective of Cooperactivas is to create a network of mutual aid that serves as support for existing social entities and as a starting point for new ones.
22 May 2019 | By project SOCENT SPAs
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Smart
2014 - 2020


The Cultural and Creative Clust-ER is an association of public and private bodies that share skills, ideas and resources to support the sector competitiveness
21 May 2019 | By project CREADIS3
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Smart
2014 - 2020


Sätergläntan offers training in sewing, weaving, black smith and woodwork that can enable prospective retirees to be cultural entrepreneurs in the next carrier
12 May 2019 | By project SILVER SMEs
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Smart
2014 - 2020


This is the first fab-lab in Lithuania that focuses on digital rapid prototyping within a Fab-Lab environment and education.
08 May 2019 | By project Urban M
Approved content by an expert Expert approved