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2014 - 2020

Ponto Energia

A national platform that connects investors, promotors and specialists that want to participate in energy efficiency projects.
14 Apr 2021 | By project INTENSIFY
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

Rail Bike Marvão, an unforgettable adventure!

Rail Bike Marvão is an initiative that promotes rides (cycling) along a disabled railway line, at the same time that promotes the valorisation of natural space.
10 Mar 2021 | By project RAMSAT
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

Thematic Voucher (Innovation, I&D…)

Vouchers are an Economic and financial support tool developed to facilitate the access of micro and SME to funding with thematic calls like Innovation or I&D
20 Nov 2020 | By project CLAY
Approved content by an expert Expert approved