About the project
Europe is grappling with a significant housing crisis. European cities, regions and countries all across the EU are facing a shortage of decent, affordable and adequate housing. National governments, regional, and local authorities are all struggling with market failures and housing affordability issues.
The plight of middle-income households being priced out is a common scenario across Europe, and cities are battling soaring rental costs while having limited resources to invest in the housing sector. The project should help regional & local authorities to develop and implement effective strategies to address the housing crisis, with particular emphasis on the creation of decent, affordable and adequate housing for middle-income families and other groups affected by the crisis.
The project aims to equip authorities with the necessary tools and knowledge to establish a sustainable housing policy that harmonizes public and private efforts within comprehensive planning.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
We're looking for local and regional authorities cities being policy responsible authorities in charge of developing and/or delivering a specific policy instrument related to affordable social housing (i.e ERDF / ESF+ Regional Programmes, social housing strategies / laws, etc.)