About the project
The Green Deal and Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) will require improved policies to be adapted for several sectors. In all countries this especially affects agriculture and building, as carbon storage in soil, plants and (nature-based) building materials play a key role.
In order to become future and climate proof both sectors now require guarantees and support from both EU and national/regional governments through policy instruments, also in order to innovate and find additional sources of income.
Improving carbon storage in agriculture and the building sector, by acting on:
- stimulating (regenerative) crops for use in bio-based and carbon-storing building materials
- adjusting production capacity and building principles, to allow for the use of circular nature-based building materials
- aligning policies to the Green Deal and CRCF
- adjusting and improving policies, funding, and capacity building programmes for carbon storage in buildings.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Project was submitted on 7 June. For follow up proposals we are looking for similar regions elsewhere, alongside NL, LV, SI, RO, GR, IT and AL, UKR who are part of the application so far.
Preferred partners: National/regional agencies responsible for policies in these fields, agricultural and/or building association, and/or (potentially) education/training organisations.