About the project
The aim of AI_City is to promote a responsible development of artificial intelligence systems to respond to the emergency of urban violence, acting on local policies (general guidelines for the promotion of integrated security and pacts for the implementation of urban security) to make cities safer without neglecting fundamental rights. So, the aim of the project is to strengthen the existing situational prevention tools in order to remove the root causes of deviance and degradation phenomena and to support citizens' participation in the overall improvement of social, housing and service conditions and social prevention interventions aimed at curbing criminogenic factors.The ultimate aim of the research is to develop - through the integrated action of the different areas involved - a shared operational model that, by exploiting the potential offered by AI, offers a concrete response to stem the risk of criminal deflagration right from the first violent manifestations.
AI City.pdf
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
We are looking for University and Public administrations of the North, East and West's regions (for the west region, if it possible also Switzerland's partners). The main goal of the project is to collaborate with public authorities interested in the implemention of security's policies.