About the project
DigiCo is committed to addressing the digital divide & skills mismatch across EU by leveraging our innovative & inclusive tech solutions: Skillify and Jobify. Our mission is to empower marginalised groups, including low-income individuals, unemployed, NEETs, people distant from the labour market, job seekers, low-skilled individuals, people with migration backgrounds. We are actively looking for partners to join an existing consortium interested in the same topic.
The project aims to contribute to the Investment for Jobs & Growth policy instrument by focusing on reducing the skills mismatch on a interregional perspective. We will target the identified policy areas by implementing tailored interventions that address the specific needs of our beneficiaries. By harnessing the power of digital tools, we aim to create opportunities for our beneficiaries to access education, employment, and social inclusion, ultimately contributing to sustainable growth across Europe.
The Digital Collective - Pitch Deck - April 2024 (1).pdf
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
As stakeholder, we are interested in any type of partner. Localisation: BE and other EU countries as well