About the project
The management of the organic fraction in low-density population rural areas is environmentally and economically impactful. The prevention of biowaste and the normalization of composting in these environments would contribute to the drastic reduction of this fraction and of the impacts derived of its management. In addition, the compost produced could serve local and regional parks and gardens and particulars needs as well. Accordngly, the project aims at rural territories to lead the process of spreading and mainstreaming biowaste prevention and composting, given their condition of privileged zones from the environmental and landscape points of view, that makes of them territories to look at for inspiration. In summary, the project is expected to be an accelerator for rural territories to increase prevention of the organic waste and composting in order to achieve- in the midterm- a drastic reduction of the organic fraction.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Regional/Local Governments with waste management competences of low-density population rural areas all around Europe. They are expected to provide GPs in prevention & separation of organic fraction; community & individual composting;new compost markets;smart composting; communication to engage citizens/organizations. Also,inputs in terms of regulation/programmes fostering prevention & composting