Looking for peers
Edited 30 Nov 2023
About the project
The project seeks to promote cultural understanding and integration, helping these young individuals to become active and engaged members of society.
Key Activities
- Cultural Orientation Workshops, designed to help minors understand and adapt to their new environment.
- Inter-Cultural Exchange Programs that facilitate inter-cultural exchange programs that allow minors to share their own culture while learning about others.
- Local Community Interaction Initiatives that encourage regular interaction between unaccompanied minors and local community members.
- Support Networks that include volunteers, social workers, and other young immigrants who have successfully integrated into society.
Expected Outputs
- Successful Cultural Orientation Workshops.
- Inter-Cultural Exchange Events.
- Formation of Support Networks.
Envisaged Impact
- Enhanced Cultural Acclimatization.
- Strengthened Intercultural Relations.
- Supportive Community Environment.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
- Nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies / public bodies.
- Businesses and corporations, especially those with a strong focus on corporate social responsibility.
- Community groups, media outlets, foundations, and civic organizations.
- Cultural and arts institutions.
- Youth organizations.
Criteria we appreciate
Lead partner
Project partner
Expertise in
Lifelong learning
Social inclusion
Vulnerable groups