About the project
The aim of the Environmental Liability Directive 2004/35/EC is the reduction and prevention of environmental damage, punishing the damage caused by different professional activities and forcing the reparation.
A major problem with the Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) is its under-use in practice in many cases, as a result of its voluntary application. Many industrial operators and other key stakeholders are indeed unaware of the potential liabilities arising from environmental damage.
The transposition of the Directive to the policy frame of the different Eruopean countries and regions has been arrid out unevenly. Accordingly, the number of different models and levels of development is large. Hence the interest in exchanging models and experience with the aim of accelerating its practical implementation.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
National, Regional or Local Governments, specifically the Departments with competences on Environmental Responsability.
Partners from regions where the transposition and use of the ELD has been low / deficient could be accepted if some experience (even if failed or insufficient) in implementing the Directive can be proved, besides competences and the will to develop it further.