About the project
The objective is to develop future literacy (anticipation) as a skill for regional develpment policy. Il allows a better understanding of conscious and unconscious human mechanisms of anticipation on an individual and collective scale; a skill that is accessible to all because it relies on our imagination and our strength of resilience, the study of anticipatory systems and processes responds to futures, a real need for empowerment for the European territories.
The project aims to apply, integrate and refine the conceptual and methodological framework of anticipation as developed by UNESCO in the context of European futures.
To this end, the project will implement empowerment activities based on the exploration, testing and co-construction of European futures, such as future literacy laboratories. It will develop the skills of local actors by supporting them in understanding the anticipatory systems underlying their images and perceptions of the future.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Universities, Public bodies, NGO.