About the project
The focus of this project is to improve the social inclusion of Roma people in Zagreb, Croatia.
Overall objective: Review existing policies and strategies from the City of Zagreb and other partners to promote social inclusion, with a focus on Roma communities.
Specific Goal: Develop a model for social integration of Roma in a specific Zagreb settlement in order to support their inclusion in regular education, healthcare, and social activities.
The project would include the implementation of a pilot project for the purpose of improving the living conditions of members of the Roma national minority through the support of the City of Zagreb in the context of the development of the concept of social housing.
Project Activities: Research: Map existing policies in all partner countries; Knowledge Exchange:Organize peer learning visits and professional conferences.
Project Impact: This project has the potential to significantly improve the lifes of Roma people in Zagreb.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
We are looking for Lead Partner from north, east or west areas.
We are looking for various stakeholders: Public authorities (national, regional and local level), Private non-profit bodies, Public law bodies (bodies governed by public law) who already can share good practices in this regard. We would like to mix between more and less advanced regions. All regions are welcome.