About the project
Paragon is an ICT program initiated by the Belgian National Crisis Centre-Belgian Ministry of Home Affairs to develop a cross border applicative platform for partners involved in emergency planning&crisis management, designed to reduce the effects of crises by increasing efficiency, critical infrastructure readiness & making crisis preparation&management more effective. Including a.o. flooding, Seveso & national logistics hub capabilities management, its able to share the most realistic operational images, features advanced communication possibilities between all types of users, enables use of right data, unique resources & track&trace. Secure, scalable & multilingual, free of commercial interests, it aims to be widely available to third-party organizations. We are looking for subsidy from European Public Authorities for adding & improving data sets in 2024, if you believe Paragon can be beneficial to you, contact us to collaborate!
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Paragon is looking for European Public Authorities who are developing/are planning to develop ICT projects for all types of partners involved in emergency planning, crisis coordination & management.