Looking for peers
Edited 07 Mar 2023
About the project
The proposed project aims to support EU public authorities in exchanging experiences and improving policies based on identified best practices for
- supporting third-country nationals (TCNs) to become engaged in civic life,
- promoting greater social cohesion and democratic participation,
- enhancing the representation of TCN perspectives in the political decision-making process.
Indicative activities of the project include:
- Fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding between migrant and refugee communities and host communities.
- Building the capacity of local authorities and civil society organizations to engage effectively with migrant and refugee communities.
- Exchanges on successful educational and outreach programs for TCNs
- Creating a platform for migrant and refugee voices as a safe and supportive space to share their experiences and perspectives.
- Exchanges on successful establishment and operation of migrant and refugee advisory councils.
Project idea owner
Head of Programmes
Partners we are looking for
National, regional and local public authorities.
Regional and local development actors.
CSOs that provide support to migrant and refugee communities.
Community groups of TCNs.
Media and business organisations that support the integration of TCNs.
Other relevant public authorities or bodies governed by public law.
Criteria we appreciate
Type of organisation
Regional public authority