Looking for peers
Edited 23 Mar 2024
About the project
The project aims to promote floating solar photovoltaic systems on water bodies in Europe. The technology is mature, reliable and already used mainly in Asian countries while it is suitable in areas densely populated and/or in areas with limited water resources where water saving is needed. It combines solar electricity generation with water saving due to reduced water evaporation from water bodies with covered surface. It is particularly interesting because:
- The solar irradiance in many regions in Europe is high and the generation of solar electricity is desirable and profitable,
- It results in green electricity generation combined with water savings due to partly coverage of the surface of the water body (lake, water irrigation pond, et cetera) with solar cells,
- Floating solar-PVs can be installed on the dams of existing hydropower plants generating both solar and hydro-electricity,
- It can be used in small- or large-size water bodies.
EJENERGY_100 (4).pdf
(496.7 KB)
ejeng_3010 (5).pdf
(400.06 KB)
Project idea owner
Energy consultant
Partners we are looking for
Public organizations from any EU country which can influence policy development. We are looking for a partner who is willing to prepare the A.F. with our support and lead the project.
Criteria we appreciate
Lead partner
Type of organisation
Regional public authority
Expertise in
Climate change
Energy transition
Type of region
Island region
Intermediate region - urbanisation