About the project
In the world and in Europe the demand for critical raw materials (CRMs) is increasing exponentially. This is causing all kind of challenges: economical, geopolitical, ecological and social. The UNEP-IRP Global Resource Outlook is quite explicit about the consequences of a business-as-usual trajectory for climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and social injustice. According to this report humanity needs to bend the resource consumption curve, which does not necessarily mean economic degrowth.
The Resource Wende will develop scenarios indicating the options to decrease the demand for CRMs, in line with sustainable global supply volumes and equal sharing principles. The most favourable scenarios will lead to adaptation strategies showing how European economies and societies can adapt to the shrinking availability of CRMs. This international and cross-sectoral approach complements the EU CRM-Act, that mainly focusses on mitigation strategies to ensure supply chain security.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
NGOs, political & knowledge institutions to support us in:
- Conducting Integrated Assessment Modelling, to understand scenarios to improve resources efficiency of European economies/societies
- Making an inventory of existing and required policies to improve resources efficiency
- Generate awareness and build capabilities enabling the implementation of policies