Looking for peers
Edited 12 Jun 2023
About the project
Rural regions offer a sustainable alternative for living, working and entrepreneurship (LWE) in Europe, but suffer from an image problem, leaving them handicapped for the development of LWE. The health crisis increased the use of digital tools (home-based work). The countryside is no longer remote and assets for LWE are enhanced.
- Braindrain
- Ageing population
- Depopulation
- Labour market crunch.
- Examine how rural regions can provide an alternative for LWE
- Achieve innovation in regional profiling through knowledge exchanges
- Identify and promote the benefits of employment and living in rural regions
- Attract higher-skilled and technical profiles
- Help entrepreneurs fill their vacancies and motivating them to invest in the region
- A better composition of the population.
Through collaboration with regions facing similar challenges we will develop a policy framework and matching tools for local/regional governments for successful regional branding.
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Project idea owner
Regional branding employee
Partners we are looking for
We are looking for a lead partner (local/regional authorities) who faces the same challenges as our and our partners rural regions:
- Braindrain
- Ageing population
- Depopulation
- Labour market crunch
Criteria we appreciate
Lead partner
Type of organisation
Agency - different from business support
Expertise in
Population change
Sustainable development
Territorial development
Type of region
Predominantly rural region