About the project
SMARTAUTO aims to explore the full potential of automated vehicles for personal mobility and logistics. So far, the implementation of autonomous vehicles in Europe has been primarily based on pilot projects and individual initiatives. With these pilot results now available for public scrutiny, it is crucial to enable regions to optimally integrate these innovative technologies.
SMARTAUTO objectives include:
Encourage knowledge sharing among participating regions to leverage their collective expertise and experiences with automated vehicle technologies
Learn from Previous Experiences - Gather insights from regions that have implemented automated vehicle projects to understand challenges, successes, and lessons learned.
Evaluate the social, economic, and environmental effects of automated vehicles on personal mobility and logistics.
Improve Policy Instruments: Identify gaps in existing policies and regulations related to automated vehicles and propose recommendations for improvement.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Regional partners with experience in promoting intelligent connected or autonomous systems or regional partners who wish to develop a regional strategy and improve their policy instruments in this area.