About the project
In today’s volatile world marked by global crises, the necessity for strategic foresight has ascended to rising levels of recognition and urgency. Regional policymakers need to find ways to interact differently with stakeholders, especially by moving away from seeking a predictable single future toward the possibility of multiple transition pathways with associated adaptability to rapid change.
Strategic Foresight Partnership (SFP) aims to bring together European regions to exchange knowledge and practices on strategic foresight. The key objectives are: (i) to facilitate better engagement between regions and the European strategic foresight insights and initiatives; (ii) to improve multi-level strategic foresight practices within and with regions; (iii) to promote a regional component at the European Strategic Foresight initiatives, aligning with cohesion policy goals.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Regional governments and cities interested in learning more about strategic foresight