About the project
In accordance with the European initiatives, the development of green finance products provides a window of opportunity for European microfinance institutions (MFIs) to support the evolving needs of their clients and Europe’s transition to a sustainable economy.
Local policies in European regions adopt to the sustainable development principles and are also aiming at including green finance products in the local enterprise development toolkit. We also need to ensure that these green financial instruments work in inclusive and accessible manner.
The project will help local (regional, national) policy makers to pave the way to local inclusive green microfinance initiatives, by adopting new strategic objectives and designing inclusive green finance products. The project will also focus on how to support the operation of MFIs, ensuring that the necessary technical knowledge is integrated in the organization, and the EU taxonomy is applied during the lifecycle of the new financial products.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
We are looking for policy responsible bodies from all over Europe (municipalities, regional authorities, ministries, managing authorities), who dispose of a relevant strategy in the field of SME financing and/or sustainability.