About the project
Tourism4Nature’s goal is to improve the effective and efficient implementation of 6 policy instruments to enhance nature conservation by building the capacities of tourism business stakeholders for the integration of sustainability into their daily operations and to become ambassadors for their local natural assets. In consequence the project aims at increasing the Nature Positive image of the targeted destinations and thus triggers increased interest of visitors to the region. The Partners involved in this project are facing similar challenges in the policy performance regarding tourism activities in connection with nature conservation and the mainstreaming of sustainability in the tourism business sector.
In order to address these challenges, the experiences gained by partners will be shared and jointly analyzed. At least 12 documented good practices will be identified, tailored to the specific needs of each partner and integrated into the Programme Policy Learning Platform.
Project Concept_ Tourism4Nature.pdf
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
We are looking for a partner that is a public authority, public law body or private non-profit bodies that have (or are associated to) a policy instrument dealing with tourism in PAs they would like to develop further, are willing to be engaged in an interregional learning process, that they can also offer good practice from their region in the topic of tourism in PA