About the project
Our goal, as the Just Transition Programme Council member to Silesian Marshal Office (PL), would be to improve the instruments which will assist and support civil society in designing post-carbon futures, following the motto: “When, the coal mines of yesterday are closing today, tomorrow never dies”. Although, we are seeking for partners representing not only Just Transition areas, but rather those who achieved good governance structures and good practices in enhancing local policies, and those willing to make structural changes for securing social agenda, culture-led development, job growth. Overall focus will be given to the sustainable tourism in diverse European regions, to transformation of (especially) post-industrial heritage into viable vehicles of tourism, creative hubs, innovation, or R&D, as those already been a part of our activities. The past must be secured today, in order the future pathways would be coherently related to vanishing traditions, uniting inhabitants.
Coal Mining Museum - portfolio & relevant projects__ver. 2.0.pdf
Additional information_Triple Transformation of Coal Mining cultures project__ver. 3.0.pdf
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Partners representing as well the Just Transition areas, who are committed to the Triple Transformation principles, and local post-mining traditions. The various types of entities are welcomed, especially well connected to the local or regional policy makers - in order to collectively design meaningful activities, which may bring positive and sustainable change to the local ecosystems.