About the project
We want to address our policy action plan for Healthcare (HC). This plan comprises a environmental analysis, a strategic vision and a description of the role that the province of Antwerp plays in the HCsector from an economic perspective, supported by complementary education and labour market policies. Within this framework, action lines have been developed to initiate projects in HC: learning differently, working differently, innovation and attracting.
Within the action line of attracting in HC, our main objective is on attracting new target groups to the HCsector, thus initiating projects to address two opposing sub-challenges: current shortages in the HCsector, exacerbated by an aging population, vs a currently inactive group of non-qualified individuals. The current policy instrument is not fully developed; we are experimenting with two projects: Stimulus Subsidy and a Learning Network Social Economy & Care.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
We are seeking various stakeholders who can address one or several aspects of the challenges. Additionally, we are searching for organisations that already possess good practices in this regard. Public bodies&bodies governed by pub. law or private non profit bodies, public responsible authorities.