About the project
Project “Virtual reality in tourism marketing” aims to introduce a fresh, fun and innovative approach to tourism advertising, through the implementation of virtual reality technologies to create an engaging and informative platform for landmark exploration. The aim is to develop and implement a VR software product, which will allow tourists to view 3D scans of popular landmarks in the region with the goal of helping them decide which sights to visit. The developed VR product will act as a virtual hub, containing interesting information about each of the landmarks and sights, locations of eco paths and useful information related to tourism in the region. To fully close the cycle, the 3D scans of each landmark will be used to create miniature models, fragments and figurines, as well as magnets, cards and other promotional materials that will be used for advertising and promotion of tourism in Svilengrad.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Local public bodies (municipalities, universities, museums, public organizations in the tourism sector);
Organizations with experience in VR, 3D technology, computers, computer programming, graphic design;
Organization with experience in innovations in the tourism sector;