About the project
The intention with this project is to exchange experiences and best practices when it comes to supporting SMEs with business and innovation support in close connection with the regional S3 policies, with a certain focus on visualisation and image related technologies, in regions with specific strengths in the field.
- Industrial companies may improve the dialogue with their existing and potential customers considerably, by using more visual representations of their products and services, thus boosting their business and growth.
- Visual representations of internal processes may make the internal dialogue more efficient and effective, with potentially broader understanding and engagement, leading to process improvements.
- Providers of visual communication tools may be linked to new groups of potential users, with potential growth also in these companies.
Participants: regional authorities and non-profit technology clusters, two in each of North, South, East and Western Europe.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Visualisation technology clusters (VR, XR, audiovisual etc), in regions where they are linked to the S3-strategies, i.e. regions with specific strengths in the field - and where exchangable experiences of working with support to less digitalised industrial companies exist and/or experiences of innovation and business support to cluster companies.