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1st RSG meeting in Florence

11 Jul 2016
Clock 09 : 00 - 12 : 00 CEST
Location In person
On 11th July twelve organizations participated in the 1st PURE COSMOS RSG meeting.
The meeting started with a brief presentation of the project by Lucia De Siervo, the responsible person for Pure Cosmos in Florence. She explained the aims and the objectives that the Municipality of Florence wants to achieve. In particular, participants were informed that the Regional Stakeholder Group, that had to be constituted by the end of the meeting, would be permanently involved in the implementation of the actions related to the project and in the exchange of good practices on international level.
All the organizations represented shown a great interest for the project. 
The Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Florence candidated itself to a role of technical and juridical support project for the Municipality of Florence. In this role, it will contribute to organize, together with the Department of Applicated Geography, some workshops on the main topics that are relevant to the SMEs.
The participants also discussed about the final Action Plan and they all agreed that this should be a “concrete document”, suggesting real and achievable actions to the SMEs.
Another interesting point was underlined by Prof. Azzari, of the Geography Department of the University that was the capability to bring out of the enterprises their need to innovate themselves and to be developed, in order to fill their gaps.
Someone expressed some doubts about the possibility of comparing, after the exchange of good practices, two (or more) different entities, even if they deal with an – apparently – similar system. The reference was to Birmingham and Florence: they both have a model of One Stop Shop, but they necessarily differ from each other in many respects, first among others the different juridical system.
Prof. Simoncini, of the Legal Sciences Department of the University, suggested a comparison among different systems, in order to evaluate them and, in case, to import them. He suggested also a type of „nudging” function, to understand how other entities deal with certain kinds of problems, so that to be able to try to import the relevant behaviour.
The meeting ended with the formal foundation of the Regional Stakeholder Group, constituted, by all the participants to the meeting.