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Cibiogo - 1° Peer review visit, Namur - Belgium

Biodiversity preservation
19 - 21 Mar 2024
Clock 09 : 00 - 17 : 00 CET
Location In person | Namur, Belgium
By Project CIBioGo
There is a landscape, a pond, trees, flowers

The CIBioGo project acronym of "Citizen Participation in Biodiversity Governance" aims at influencing regional development policy to promote citizen involvement in biodiversity governance.

In view of this, the first Peer Review Visit of the project was organized on March 19-20 and 21 in Namur, Wallonia (Belgium), whose main topics will be all those related to the theme of "Biological data" for a better inclusive governance of protected areas through the involvement of communities and key Stakeholders. All this will be addressed through, masterclasses, stakeholder workshops, site visits and analysis of local good practices of the hosting partner organization - Service of Wallonia – Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (Directorate of Nature and Water).

The first day will be dedicated to a thematic discussion by starting with the masterclass that aims at presenting the importance of biological data in the biodiversity governance mechanisms, besides the stakeholder workshop.

During the second day study trips/ field trips will be carried out.

The last day instead, will again be dedicated to a thematic discussion and the closing of the event.

Photo: Luc Derochette
