European Week of Regions and Cities 2020
12 - 15 Oct 2020
00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CEST
In person

The 2020 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is coming up on 12-15 October in Brussels, Belgium. The preparations for this 18th edition have already started.
The main topics of 2020 are:
Call for event partners is open
#EURegionsWeek offers plenty of opportunities to actively contribute to the event and the agenda. Call for 'event partners' and session proposals is open until 27 March 2020.
You can propose different types of activities:
Interreg Europe projects, team up!
#EURegionsWeek is an excellent opportunity to highlight your project results, promote your good practices, or share inspiration and experiences with peers from other regions. It is also a great chance to explore synergies with other projects working on similar matters. What better way to do so than by organising a joint activity?
In 2020, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Interreg. Cooperation projects will be featured in the #EURegionsWeek programme. Make use of this opportunity, reach out to other projects and promote your results and lessons learned in a joint session!
Want to know more? Watch the recording of our webinar from 4 March for tips to help you prepare your application. You can also check the presentation from the webinar: https://www.interregeurope.eu/euregionsweek/
The main topics of 2020 are:
- Green Europe Image
- Cohesion and cooperation (including also the celebration of 30 years of Interreg!)
- Empowering citizens
Call for event partners is open
#EURegionsWeek offers plenty of opportunities to actively contribute to the event and the agenda. Call for 'event partners' and session proposals is open until 27 March 2020.
You can propose different types of activities:
- EU Regions Talks (short 10-30 minute pitches by a single speaker);
- Q&A sessions with experts (60 minutes focused on a specific issue);
- Workshops (90 minutes with up to four speakers);
- Participatory labs (90 minutes, interactive problem-solving or exchange of experience based sessions); or
- Exhibition stands (focused on inspiring through interaction).
Interreg Europe projects, team up!
#EURegionsWeek is an excellent opportunity to highlight your project results, promote your good practices, or share inspiration and experiences with peers from other regions. It is also a great chance to explore synergies with other projects working on similar matters. What better way to do so than by organising a joint activity?
In 2020, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Interreg. Cooperation projects will be featured in the #EURegionsWeek programme. Make use of this opportunity, reach out to other projects and promote your results and lessons learned in a joint session!
Want to know more? Watch the recording of our webinar from 4 March for tips to help you prepare your application. You can also check the presentation from the webinar: https://www.interregeurope.eu/euregionsweek/