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INKREASE project Kick-Off meeting

19 - 20 May 2016
Clock 09 : 00 - 13 : 00 CEST
Location In person | Bologna, Italy

INKREASE Kick-off meeting: a packed agenda!

The official kick-off meeting of the INKREASE project was held in Bologna on May19th and 20th 2016. As coordinating partner of the consortium, the Emilia-Romagna Region and ASTER invited all project partners to this two-day-meeting at the regional headquarters.
Almost a year after the submission of the INKREASE proposal, the kick-off meeting was the perfect opportunity for all partners to review the project objectives and the work plan, with a short overview on each project activity foreseen in phase 1. 
Day 1 was also dedicated to partners' presentations, with a focus on the different policy instruments addressed by the project. In particular, each partner described its main features, such as objectives, characteristics, priority or measure concerned, outlining the reasons why it should be improved and the linkage with the regional innovation strategy for Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3).
Discussions continued over a delightful Italian dinner in the city centre of Bologna. 
During day 2, project partner ADItech Foundation, responsable for Good Practices collection, shared and discussed with other partners the methodology designed for the GPs identification. The same was done by project partner Bretagne Développement Innovation for communication and dissemination activities.
Next step: September 2016 for the 1st Interregional Workshop in Rennes, Bretagne!